Σχόλια του/της Τσακιλτζίδης Γρηγόρης

Πίνακας σχολίων (2 σχόλια)

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος του WRO Hellas - Edu Robotics για να προσθέσετε σχόλια!

Γίνετε μέλος του WRO Hellas - Edu Robotics

Στις 22 Απρίλιος 2014 και ώρα 1:52, ο/η love είπε...

Hi Friend

hoping you are fine and living good. Nice to meet you on this site. I am Tracey by name and i want us to be friends but i don't know how you will feel about it, I hope you wouldn't mind despite we don't know each other before? please i will like you to respond to my Email box so that i will give you every details about my self because i don't have much access on wrohellas.ning.com due to some personal reasons,I will tell you more about me,my family and all that maybe necessary in this friendship when you reply to this my Email ID.Get back to me via my inbox please.yours Tracey.

Στις 12 Ιανουάριος 2011 και ώρα 17:46, ο/η Λίτσα Ατματζίδου είπε...
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